Sunday, November 26, 2023

A face lift for Jenny

Meet Jenny, my daughter's beautiful dog.  Jenny was a real sweet heart and is terribly missed!
The above photo is the inspiration for my art quilt.
Jenny is made with wool and wool roving on cotton ground, embellished with nail polish, paint, leather and thread painting.
(Jenny was exhibited at the Textile Center in 2015 as part of the Common Thread exhibit).

By 2023 problems with Jenny's eyes  made it necessary to give Jenny a bit of a face lift.
Below are details of Jenny's original eyes. These eyes where made with wool painted with acrylics and sealed with clear nail polish. I loved the way the eyes looked, the clear polish really gave them moist natural look.
Unfortunately by 2023 the clear nail polish had turned yellow with cracks and crazing, as shown in the photo below.
Below is a photo of Jenny after her face lift.  The original eyes were removed and replaced with eyes made with just wool and wool roving.
Below is a  detailed photo of Jenny's new eyes.
I hope you enjoyed seeing Jenny's makeover.  I feel her new eyes turned out really well.  I did loose the moisture element in the eyes by removing the clear nail polish but hopefully now Jenny's eyes will retain their personality for years to come.

It is a beautiful fall day where I am, I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful day as well!

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