Saturday, June 11, 2022

I'm Back!


My machine is back from the repair shop after a much needed cleaning.  And boy am I more than ready to roll!  First up is finishing the details on the projects that were put on hold while my machine was gone.  After those are finished I'll be starting a wedding gift!  I hope you will be able to pop in and watch my progress. 

Below is a close up of the quilt on my sewing room wall. The  piece is called The Sewing Room. and is 32" X 34". I used a photo of my antique sewing machine as inspiration for this original design. I started by taking a photo of my machine, editing it to black and white and enlarging it. I then traced the shape I wanted and used that as my pattern.

The collage sewing machine is attached to a vintage tablecloth. The piece was then embellished with buttons and free motion quilting.
If you look close you can see I tried to run a thick thread as if the machine is threaded and ready to go.
I also added some 3D flowers for depth. 
If you are interested in more photos there is a post from October 2018 on my process  Just go to the search bar and type in collage and you should be directed right to it.

Have a wonderful day!

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