Wednesday, January 19, 2022

2021 challenges in review

 Today wanted to highlight my finished 2021 challenge for #52tagshannmade given by Anne Brooke.

This was such a fun group!  So many wonderful new ideas.  The projects were small (2" X 3" tags) but that made it possible to keep up each week.  The ideas made you think and kept your creative mind working each week.

Please check out artist Anne Brooke.  I believe the tag challenge is on YouTube, and she had other projects there as well.

Below are a few of my favorite challenges.

And on to 2022......
My first challenge group for 2022 is Stitch Camp, a fun, online, week long adventure being given by Gwen Hedley for a Sue Stone site.
I'll keep you posted.
As you can maybe tell I enjoy following others and joining in on talks, classes and challenges whenever I can.  All the new ideas can really help motive a person. And, enjoy passing on those links and opportunities.
 I hope it helps you expand your creative journey. I'm always looking for more ideas so let me know if you have any suggestions.
Have a wonderful day!

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