Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The Pink Crazy Quilt

It's a finish!!! Tea Time Memories (working title the Pink Crazy Quilt) is finally finished!  You can see posts about this piece from April 2020 and January 2019. I really had to laugh when I saw this comment from January 2019,

 "Looks like I've got some work to do!  I'm hoping by publishing on my blog I will stay motivated to get it done in a reasonable amount of time!!!"

So is two-plus years reasonable?  It's a smaller piece but tons of handwork so I'm going with YES.

Today I'm only showing the back, sorry.  With all the time and work I'm thinking of trying to put it in a show.  So for now I want to protect my eligibility.  But, I was excited to post that I was finally finished.

And, believe it or not today I started pulling fabric for my next crazy quilt! I think I'll call it Crazy for Fancy Fabrics.

Tea Time Memories was inspired by a set of napkins and a tea cozy that were a gift many years ago. A section of the cozy has been used in the label. The quilt was constructed as six separate blocks which were each finished pieces and then  joined together with a whip stitch and then decorative stitches and embellishments.   Looking on the back side you can see the joining seams have been covered with a 1" binding to add stability. Also added to the back is a hanging sleeve. The finished piece is 29" X 25 .5".
Below are some photos from my 2019 post. 
Here you can see how I first started work on this project. 

Thanks for stopping I hope your day is wonderful!

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