Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Art Quilts Around the World

 Welcome Friends,

If you have noticed in the sidebar for my blog I've mentioned that I'm a member of a group called Art Quilts Around the World (AQRW). I noticed that my last challenge was my 21st. I thought it would be a good time to show a collage of my first 20 challenge pieces.  

More information on each of these pieces as well a look at the works of the other 19 artists can be found at http://aroundtheworldin20quilts.blogspot.com/

#1 The Eyes Have It, #2 Nursery Rhymes, #3 Steampunk, #4 Pop Art,
 #5 Medieval, #6 Film Noir, #7 Woman Who Soar , #8 Under the Surface,
 #9 Imagine, #10 Numbers, #11 Where I Dream, #12 Step By Step, 
#13 Bubbles, #14 Bugs,
 #15 Tattoos, #16 Song Bird, #17 Sunrise/Sunset, #18 African Safari, 
#19 Monochromatic, 
#20 Out of Isolation
Below is challenge number 21, MASKS!
Hope you are having a wonderful day!

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