Thursday, January 30, 2020

A New Year and New Home

     I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. We had a very busy season with all the traditional Christmas wonder and fun with family and friends.  To all that we added packing for a cross county move. Moving form the cold north to a warmer climate in the south.

   We have moved many times but never in the winter (or over a holiday)!  But, like all my moves the violets were packed in ice cream buckets and tucked into the backseat of the car. I make quite a sight walking into the hotel at night with a laundry basket full of violets in ice cream buckets. All arrived safe and are getting use to their new home.
     The sad part of moving is leaving great friends and family.  It was nice to see so many of them before we left at various Christmas celebrations.  One group I will really miss are the ladies in my quilting Bee. We had a wonderful Christmas party and shared little gifts with each other. Each person exchanged such cute gifts and I loved them all. Below are the crazy quilt pincushions I made for the group. Happy sewing ladies, I'll be visiting in the warmer summer months!

     Now I'm busy setting up my new sewing room.  It's a bit smaller than the last one but it has wonderful windows with great natural light.  I hope to have finished projects coming soon!
     Happy stitching!

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