Monday, November 25, 2019

Fun with Paint

I recently spent a wonderful afternoon experimenting with pour painting.
You can find some wonderful tutorials online, look for "pour painting" ideas.
I started with some old paint canvases. They had been used before, but I covered them with a good coating of solid white paint.  After they dried they were just like new, and off I went.
I started by using a mixture of white acrylic paint and white glue for kids as the base. I then added the glue to various colors of acrylic paint for the designs. I used what I had on hand; mixing various glue and paint brands.
These mixtures should be quite fluid but not runny. You want them to move around your canvas but with some control so they don't over mix and leave you with one solid color.
Again, you can find some wonderful tutorials online, and options for art products.

 My set up. Notice how I elevated the canvas so extra paint can drip off without the canvas sticking to the table.

 My paints poured on the canvas. Next you need to carefully pick up your canvas by the edges, and tip and tilt it around until you have your desired design.

   First try!  Now to let it dry. Over night would be best. Or at the very least several hours.

Round two. Here I used an  paint comb to drag the paint around the canvas.

And, more fun!
Hope you enjoyed see what I did, and decide to give it a try.
It makes a bit of a mess but the results are really interesting.

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