Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Fidget Quilts and Muffs

     Browsing online one day I notice information on something called "fidget quilts". It explained the quilts were to help people struggling with Alzheimer's and dementia. The quilts give these folks something colorful and fun to cuddle and play with.
     At the time I saw theses ideas I was working on items for our guild quilt show.  One piece I was having trouble with was  a challenge quilt. The challenge was a happy looking pansy design.  Participants made a fused flower using the pansy pattern, the flower was cut in quarters and you exchanged quarters with three other participants. You then put the four mismatched quarters together as a quilt. I decided that with all the color and interesting fabrics it would make a good fidget quilt.  I added a variety of lace and trims, including flannel on the front sides, yoyos, pompoms, rick-rack, and velvet ribbons. The finished quilt is small enough to lay easily on a lap.

     Thanks to my friend Sue the quilt found a home at a local charity.
     Sue also showed me a new idea, fidget muffs. The same idea here, lots of texture and colors.
I'm not a fancy knitter but these went together easy.  Lots of odds and ends and little bits of leftovers.

  All of these projects were fun to do and I used things I had around.  However, I'm not a healthcare pro so please do some extra research..  If your interested in making fidget items I would recommend  talking to the organization you are planning on working with for advice.  Remember, these items will need to be washed and they need to stand up to a lot of hard wear. Also, be careful with embellishments; no loose items, or things that may get catch, etc.

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