Saturday, January 12, 2019

New Year- New projects

Happy New Year! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season.  It's hard to believe we are into a new year!

To start off the new year I've prepared six blocks for a new crazy quilt project.

The focal fabric is from a set of very sheer napkins and a tea cozy from India.  These were a gift years ago from a dear friend. Over the years with many moves my decor has changed and the napkins moved to a drawer.  I'm hoping working them into this project will give them the new life they deserve.

Hopefully from the photo you can get an idea of how dainty this beautiful set is.

Here are some of the other fabrics I've added to the blocks. I'm saving all the edgings as well as the cozy, my plan is to work them in somewhere later.
Looks like I've got some work to do!  I'm hoping by publishing on my blog I will stay motivated to get it done in a reasonable amount of time!!!

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