Thursday, May 18, 2017

Rust Project-Art Quilt

I was very excited to experiment with rust dyeing.

I used a variety of objects like fishing gear, chains, bolts, nails, etc.
Some objects worked better than others at making a stain on the fabrics.
I also used a variety of fabrics; wool, cotton and polyester.
I really liked the rich tone that was made on the wool.
I placed the wet fabrics under plastic and let them sit.
It took a few days for the fabrics to dry.
I then washed the fabrics before I used them in a project.
The work highlighted here in in wool.
Below is my favorite rust fabric in a finished piece.
I added embroidery, wool roving, paint, wool accent pieces, and natural 
elements,  fishing netting and line. 
The piece was then mounted on a canvas covered in a distressed paper.
The first photo is a detailed shot.
Second photo is the finished project.
                            Have a Beautiful Day!





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